Vintage Tasmania
Life is better with bubbles.
in 2008, Curly spent 5 days in Tasmania as part of her Vintners Bursary Prize, awarded for her Wine & Spirit Education Trust Level 3 results. Those 5 days changed the trajectory of her life forever.
From the mid-’90’s, Curly worked in high-end hospitality and wine retail in the UK, until that fateful journey to Tasmania. By 2010, she had finished her WSET Diploma and set her sights on a return to Tassie.
Since her return, Curly is still a tall woman in a very short gold dress with skin the colour of chocolate souffle but she now teaches the WSET qualifications in Tasmania, is a sparkling wine tragic, a wine writer for The Wine Front, founder of The Whole Bunch Collective, a passionate advocate for childhood food, culture and nutrition education and enthusiastic support of local food and farming across Tasmania.
This dizzying array of projects all fall under the umbrella of Vintage Tasmania but she always has an eye open for projects that support equality and equity within the wine and food industries.
Christmas bubbles from UK producer Herbert Hall
Curly Haslam-Coates GC
Nearly all the stories are true.
Why the GC?
The Grand Crue are a global network of wine professionals and misfits. The Grand Crüe (GC) advocates alliance through equality and inclusion. We are also staunch supporters of sustainable business and wine production practices (our mission statement).
For private wine experiences and appearances, please get in touch with Curly via the Contact page.