Go Behind the Scenery - The Harvest Hostess
Working with the Harvest Launceston Community Farmers’ Market was an absolute joy. For almost three years I really got to know some of the greatest producers across the state. Being a part of supporting them and bringing the community together every Saturday was magical. Winning the Delicious ‘Most Outstanding Farmers’ Market’ Award in the few months before I left was a great final hurrah.
Tourism Tasmania’s Go Behind the Scenery campaign was a fantastic opportunity to promote our Harvest Market across Australia.
Harvest Launceston is open every Saturday 0830-1230 in the Cimitiere St carpark. You will still find me at the market every Saturday that I am in town buying some deliciousness and gossiping with friends.
In 2015-16, Tourism Tasmania ran two major domestic marketing campaigns, Go Behind the Scenery Spring 2015 and Go Behind the Scenery Autumn 2016. The campaigns continued to explore the behind the scenery experiences characteristic of Tasmania's tourism brand, however in our autumn 2016 campaign, we presented these in a more emotive way by focussing on the passionate locals who deliver the experiences, rather than on the experiences themselves.
The campaigns saw Tourism Tasmania invest in media advertising in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, engaging audiences through TV, print, cinema, outdoor and digital advertising.